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The gear is the entirerty of items the player can use into runs. They split into differents categories: Weapons, which are the main way of dealing damages to Sentinels, Trinkets, which are a minor source of damage, Gifts, which are upgrades that affects differents parameters of your run's gameplay, and Boosts, which are mid-run upgrades.


Instruments of destruction. It is possible to equip up to 2 weapons per Leaper.

List of Weapons

Icon Name Description Base DPS Base Alterattack bonus Unlocking
image Beatbolt Fire with the right timing to inflict Criticals. 85 +20% Repair FRIEND-43V3r - Free
image Charged Blade Hold to inflict Criticals 52 +150% Encrypted Memory - Free
image Fish Knife Perfect for fish! Good for adventure? The last hit is Critical. 80 +30% Unlocked by default
image Katars Backstabs deal Criticals. [Held] Dash behind your target. 70 +30% Unlocked by default
image Kunai Applies Curse (+4% each). [Held] All Curses explode, dealing Criticals. 34 +40% Unlocked by default
image Ravenblade Deals Criticals after the 3rd strike. [Held] Jump attack. 114 +70% Unlocked by default
image Heavy Blade A slow but powerful weapon. The last attack deals Criticals and Stuns. 159 +120% Encrypted Memory - 5 Memonite dust
image Ninja Stars Damage based on distance. Inflicts Criticals when used from max range. TBA TBA TBA
image Sword and Shield One of the weapons seen in the trailer animation TBA TBA TBA
image Spear One of the weapons seen being used in the trailer animation TBA TBA TBA
image Feather greatsword One of the weapons seen being used in the trailer animation and gameplay TBA TBA TBA


Trinkets are strong attacks that can be gained from Ancestors. It is possible to equip up to 2 trinkets per Leaper.

List of Trinkets

Icon Name Description Base Damage Cooldown Unlocking
image Goo Bomb Inflicts Goo and damages foes for 4s. TBA 35s Unlocked by default
image Bomb It goes BOOM around you! TBA 35s Unlocked by default
image Grenade Throw an explosive towards a foe. TBA 10s Unlocked by default
image Blade Storm Deals damage to nearby targets repeatedly. TBA 35s Unlocked by default
image Frost Nova Freeze enemies around you. 50 30s Encrypted Memory - 5 Memonite dust
image Death Orb Repeatedly damages foes in its path. TBA TBA Encrypted Memory - ???
image Burn Aura Explode and apply 5 Burn, then give Burn Infusion to all allies inside your aura. TBA TBA Encrypted Memory - ???


Gifts are a mid-run passive upgrades.

List of Gifts

Icon Name Description Unlocking
image Abundance File:Cog.png Cogs looted +20%. Unlocked by default
image Weakening Curse The team's Curses reduce foe damage by 2% per stack, and by 40% during Final Curse. Unlocked by default
image Deadly Curse Killing a foe with Final Curse applies 10 Curses to all nearby targets (+4% each). TBA
image Persistent Curse Final Curse duration +100% for the team. Unlocked by default
image Cursed Stun When Final Curse is triggered, gain an Opportunity to Stun every target with a Final Curse for 1.5s. Unlocked by default
image Hammer Echo TBA TBA
image Critical Echo Echo deals Criticals. TBA
image Assassinate Your first hit against a target deal +120% damage. Unlocked by default
image Focused Dash Dashes activate Focus (+60% for 1 hit). Unlocked by default
image Intense Freeze TBA TBA
image Duelist Weapon and Trinket damage +60% against isolated enemies. Unlocked by default
image Deadly Brutality Kills activate Brutality (+60% for 4s). Unlocked by default
image Necromancy Kills heals for 4%. Unlocked by default
image Deadly Refill Kills refill Trinkets by 5s. Unlocked by default
image Random Mark Randomly Mark a nearby for 3s (100 damage). Unlocked by default
image Alter Mark When you unleash a Mark, launch an Alterattack signal (Cooldown: 5s). TBA
image Critical Mark TBA TBA
image Double Mark TBA TBA
image Proximity Weapon and Trinket damage +40% while near to your target. Unlocked by default
image Rush Trinkets Using a Trinket activates Rush (150 damage). Unlocked by default
image Cruel Goo Backstabs deal +100% damage to targets with Goo. TBA
image Damage Scythe Every 250 Base Damage you deal, spawn a Scythe (30) DPS for 5s). TBA
image Unstable When hit, creates an explosion that Stuns for 2s and deals 400% of the damage. Unlocked by default
image Echo Replicate 105% of the damage dealt after 0.7s. Any new damage resets the effect. Encrypted Memory - 3 Memonite dust
image Burning Trinkets Trinkets and Effects apply 1 Burn. (8 DPS for 4s). Encrypted Memory - ???
image Critical Refill Criticals refill Trinkets by 1s. Encrypted Memory - ???
image Dash Mark Dashing through a foe Marks it (50 damage). Encrypted Memory - ???
image Goo Dodge Dodge applies Goo for 4s. Encrypted Memory - ???
image Power Refill Weapons refill your Trinkets depending on their damage. The amount increases exponentially through Base Damage, up to 2.5s. Encrypted Memory - ???
image Hit Blast Weapons direct hits create a Blast which deals 40% of the initial hit's damage. Encrypted Memory - ???
image Tranquility Weapons and Trinket damage +60% if there are no enemies near you. Encrypted Memory - ???
image Boss Killer Damage +40% against Minibosses and Bosses. Encrypted Memory - ???


Boosts are a small mid-run stat upgrades.

List of Boosts

Icon Name Description Info
image Health Maximum health +25-50.
image Damage Damage +5-10%.
image Criticals Critical damage +10-20%.
image Attack Speed Attack speed +5-10%. Max increase for Weapons: 60%.
image Trinket Refill Trinkets refill 6-12% faster. Max refill speed increase: 60%.
image Loot File:Shell.png Shells looted by the team +10-20%.